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Why Partnership?

When it comes to joining South, membership just doesn’t capture all we are trying to say.  So instead, we call it Partnership.  It’s similar, but it’s not identical.  We are looking for people to officially come alongside those who have made South their church home, to partner together in order to accomplish the mission that God has for South.  Membership holds more to the idea that you belong to something for the sole benefit of what you get out of the deal (think gym membership).  Partnership is more about owning the mission and banding together with a group of people committed to that same mission.  We believe the church is a partnership of Spirit-led disciples who follow Jesus.  It is a missional community bound together by the gospel.


Partnership is an annual commitment that we ask every May if you want to renew or not.

How do you become a Partner?

Partnership is for each individual 18 years old or older. The first step to becoming a Partner is to have said yes to Jesus and surrendered your life to how Jesus would want you to live (John 1:12).  You also, regularly attend South and call it your church home (Acts 13:44, Heb. 10:24-25).  

We also ask that you make 4 commitments;

  • As a Partner, you agree to the mission, values and core beliefs of South (they can be found below).

  • As a Partner, you agree to connect with the mission of South and find an area to serve in. (1 Pet. 4:10-11, Phil. 2:3-4,7)

  • As a Partner, you agree to share in the financial responsibility by regularly giving. (1 Cor. 16:2, Lev. 27:30)

  • As a Partner, you agree to share in the spiritual responsibility by praying regularly for South. (1 Tim. 2:1-3)

What we are trying to do (our mission)

Becoming like Jesus and introducing others to Him in authentic community

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus
Matthew 28:19-20

How it looks and feels (our values)


  • We are about people.  People connecting with the Jesus we love so much.  This means if we have to choose between people and perfection or performance, we will choose people every time.


  • When we gather our goal is for it to be meaningful.  We want everyone who leaves one of our gatherings to have had a meaningful encounter with God.

Kids and Family:

  • We have kids at South.  Lots of kids, and we like it that way.  We want South to be a place where every age is valued equally, not just the adults.


  • Some might say “real” or “raw”.  What we mean is that we will not pretend to be something or someone we are not.  Struggles, frustrations and failures are openly discussed.  If you are perfect you would not fit in at South.

What we believe (our core beliefs)

  • The Bible is the inspired Word of God

  • In one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit

  • In the virgin birth, the atoning death and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ

  • In salvation through the blood of Jesus, received by faith apart from works

  • In baptism by immersion in water

  • In divine healing through the redemptive work of Christ

  • In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit

  • In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

  • In the second coming of Jesus




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